Nebraska’s fertile soil, abundant surface, ground water and favorable climate combine to make agriculture the state’s number one industry. More then 95% of the state’s total land area is under agricultural use. Nebraska is one of the top states in the amount of land under irrigation. Just about one out of every four acres of corn grown is exported, however, the state’s livestock is the largest consumer of the corn. Nebraska ranks as one of the top three cattle-producing states in the country. The term “cornhusker” comes from the method of harvesting or “husking” corn by hand, which was common in Nebraska before the invention of husking machinery.



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Top Five Lists

Top 5 Commodities

1. Cattle and calves
2. Corn
3. Soybeans
4. Hogs
5. Wheat

Top 5 Ag Exports
1. Soybeans and products
2. Feed gains and products
3. Live animals and meat
4. Hides and skins
5. Wheat and products

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