North Dakota’s motto is “Strength from the Soil” – fitting for a state with over 26% of its economy based in agriculture and almost 90% of its land area covered in farms. The sub humid continental climate lends itself to the abundant production of grains and livestock. North Dakota is home to the Red River Valley whose rich black soil makes this area one of the most fertile in the world. The state leads the way in production of canola, flax, dry edible peas, durum, pinto beans and sunflowers. Milk is also a big commodity and the state produces enough in one year to fill over one billion glasses.



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Top Five Lists

Top 5 Commodities

1. Wheat
2. Soybeans
3. Corn
4. Cattle and calves
5. Sugar beets

Top 5 Ag Exports
1. Wheat and products
2. Soybeans and products
3. Feeds and fodder
4. Vegetables and preparations
5. Feed grains and products

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