Wisconsin ranks as one of the nation’s leading agricultural states, typically ranking among the top ten states in annual farm income, with more than 5.5 billion dollars in farm product sales per year. Of the 76,500 farms in Wisconsin, 99% of them are family owned, and each farm feeds close to 144 people.  Often referred to as “America’s Dairyland”; Wisconsin is well known for its successful dairy industry.  The state leads the country in number of dairy cows, producing more then 15% of the nation’s milk. There is also an abundance of cheese, with a total of 350 varieties of award winning cheeses that can be found throughout the state. Along with Dairy products, Wisconsin leads the nation in production of several crops, such as snap beans, cranberries, canning beets, and corn. Wisconsin also produces large amounts of honey and is one of the few states to have a mink-farming industry.



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Top Five Lists

Top 5 Commodities

1. Dairy Products
2. Cattle and calves
3. Corn
4. Greenhouse/nursery
5. Soybeans

Top 5 Ag Exports
1. Vegetables and preparations
2. Feed grains and products
3. Dairy Products
4. Soybeans and products
5. Hides and skins

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